Helping front office teams grow better

Here you’ll find an archive of Nathanael’s weekly email. In it, he features an essay and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity.

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Generation to Generation - Issue #319

I'm a sucker for fake trends and the sorts of cool, simple explanations of complex phenomena that have to be mostly false. Generational analysis usually fits the latter category: the idea that all Americans born between 1995 and whenever share traits is a composition fallacy. Some of the "Greatest Generation" were cowards and some of the Boomers were selfless heroes: I don't think you can accurately and completely generalize groups of people by birth year.


The 7 Top Unused HubSpot Features

As companies cut budgets in 2023, you’ll need to get more done with existing software. Here are 7 ways to get more from your HubSpot account.


Is privacy normal? - Issue #317

Peggy Noonan's column on Prince Harry, published last week, ended with a broader thought about privacy. It has all of the pearl-clutching and "back in my day" of a good Noonan column, but I think her point is worth quoting at length:


7 Trends that Sales, Marketing, and Service Teams Face in 2023

As part of my consulting work, I try to help sales, marketing, and service leaders zoom out to think about where the world is going and how they should react to it. Usually this is a process of me identifying trends and us talking about how they impact the client's revenue operations.


On Bonsai - Issue 313

One Spring a few years ago, I dug up some maple trees and a few...


Tech is coming for your tech job - Issue #310

Here’s a quick summary of where we are with tech: we were promised self-driving cars, instead we got Twitter; now that your white-collar job is mostly interacting with tech, the robots will quickly be better at it than you.


Don't just do something, sit there

Earlier this week, my friend Alex asked me if I was a reader. I said “not really,” and he laughed: behind my head in Zoom videos are twenty or so books in a stack. I read two books of them this week. They’re the ones linked below. I found them at a book swap in Salem. I figured that I needed to give the “Benedict Option” a fairer shake, and while I wouldn’t support its author and doubt its wisdom, I couldn’t say no to a free book. Then, I saw the best book title:

Don’t just do something, sit there.


Nathanael's Reading

More than a hundred and fifty  people read the weekly email “Nathanael’s Reading,” which he’s sent every Friday since 2016. Nathanael includes original thoughts and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity. Subscribe by entering your email here