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Here you’ll find an archive of Nathanael’s weekly email. In it, he features an essay and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity.

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Analogies Should Help

As much as I love the argument to cut federal spending, this word picture doesn't make it any clearer: 


How to Use Slides

The temptation when using Powerpoint is to create and display diagrams.


Dietrich Bonhoffer on Taking Action

It is no good then behaving as an arm-chair critic and disputing the issue, for that is to refuse to face the facts. Nor is opportunism any help, for that is to...


Going Meta Makes This Speech Good

Meta-analysis is the kind of studies people make by studying existing studies. They answer questions authoritatively by explaining how all the previous answers fit together. Instead of the normal assumption your study is THE ANSWER, meta-analysis is authoritative because it offers a holistic view of all the relevant research. Interestingly, most meta-analyses are far more readable than normal research.



This week I finished reading Rework, which Seth Godin says to "ignore at your peril." I agree.


Nathanael's Reading

More than a hundred and fifty  people read the weekly email “Nathanael’s Reading,” which he’s sent every Friday since 2016. Nathanael includes original thoughts and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity. Subscribe by entering your email here