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Here you’ll find an archive of Nathanael’s weekly email. In it, he features an essay and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity.

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Book: The Weight of Glory

The Weight of Glory could be a lesson in the unity of knowledge and practical wisdom. CS Lewis, noted for his scholarly approach to faith, struck me as uniquely able to tell me how to live. After the magnificent essay on the nature of humanity from which this book is titled, the other essays in this book are practical.


Introduce the next speaker like this

This is a video of a great speaker introduction.
It was witty. It enchanted the audience. Above all, it honored the speaker. Sure 8 minutes is a bit long, but wouldn't you rather this than a few mumbled bio lines, stammering uhs, and unmemorable accolades?

Book Review: Switch

When the Heath brothers write, it should be obvious that everyone must read and follow their advice. Even people only remotely connected to the subject matter stand to benefit. Thus Made to Stick is a must-read for people who communicate ideas. Switch is similarly a must-read for people who want to change anything.


Two ideas for improving a presentation

Over the weekend, I talked about lobbying with a group of students at Liberty University. Together, we built a working definition of lobbying, discussed its strategy, and analyzed its tactics.


Planet Money on the GSEs

The folks at NPR's Planet Money have a good thing going. They describe complex financial subjects with ease. After listening to an episode, you can recall their helpful...


Nathanael's Reading

More than a hundred and fifty  people read the weekly email “Nathanael’s Reading,” which he’s sent every Friday since 2016. Nathanael includes original thoughts and curated reading on technology + marketing + simplicity. Subscribe by entering your email here